Frequently Asked Questions

Pest Control
Bugs | Ants, Bed Bugs, Earwigs, Silverfish, Ticks, Fleas

Are bed bugs only found in beds?

No. Though the name might imply, bed bugs are actually found in places other than beds. This includes sofas, chair cushions, behind photo frames, and basically anywhere that other types of bugs can also be found.

Can an earwig hurt you?

Earwigs have pincers, but they do not sting. They also do not have venom, so they are not poisonous.

Can I get sick from bed bugs?

Bed bugs can bite which leaves itchy, red spots on the skin. However, they aren’t known for spreading diseases.

Can ticks live in the house?

Deer ticks are not likely to survive more than 24 hours in an average home. If they are in a laundry hamper, they can survive longer than 24 hours. Even though they might not survive that long in a house, it is still a good idea to check for and get rid of them so that they do not affect your family members or pets.

Do fleas only live on animals or pets like cats and dogs? Can a human get fleas?

Fleas are pests that survive by sucking blood. Though they are more commonly found living on animals, there is a chance that they can bite humans as well. The reason fleas are not often found on humans is because of the lack of body hair in comparison to animals.

How far from the house should firewood be?

It is likely that firewood will attract many different types of pests such as termites and even rodents. This means that firewood should be a good distance (minimum of 5 feet) away from the foundation of your home.

Is it bad to have silverfish?

Though silverfish pose no threat to humans, they can cause damage to your belongings because of their diet. Silverfish like sugar and carbohydrates, as well as items containing polysaccharides that can be found in adhesives. This means that silverfish can eat anything from cereal to glue.

What are bed bugs attracted to?

It is a misconception that bed bugs are attracted to filth and unsanitary places. They are, however, attracted to warmth, carbon dioxide, and blood.

What attracts earwigs?

Earwigs are attracted to light and moisture. Earwigs are typically found outside where there is an abundance of damp hiding places, such as underneath rocks. The more hiding places there are for them around your home, the more likely they are to get in.

Why are bed bugs so hard to treat?

Having bed bugs does not mean your home or hotel you are staying at is necessarily unsanitary. Bed bugs are very hard to find and catch, which makes getting rid of them even more difficult. To make sure they are all gone requires inspecting the affected area constantly, and hoping that the bed bugs haven’t moved elsewhere. Because of this, it is recommended to get a pest control specialist to take care of a bed bug infestation.

Why are there so many ants in my kitchen?

Ants are attracted to any food left on counters, in cabinets, or in the sink. If food is left out or a counter is left with food residue, this is likely to attract pests. Even containers in cabinets that aren’t completely sealed can cause ants. Also, avoid leaving pet food outside in areas that can be easily accessible to ants.

Stinging Insects | Bees, Hornets, Wasps, Yellow Jackets

Are stinging insects considered public health risks?

Stinging insects are not considered public health risks, but their stings can send people to the emergency room, especially if they are allergic to the sting.

Can stinging insects also be a property threat?

Some can, such as carpenter bees. These destroy wood, causing damage to structures.

What time of year are stinging insects at their peak?

Stinging insects are at their peak in warmer months.

What will a professional do to control stinging insects?

A professional will identify which stinging insect is actually causing the problem, as some look similar to one another but aren’t as harmful. What your pest control specialist finds will determine their next step of action.

Why shouldn’t homeowners try to control stinging insects without the help of a trained professional?

Most stinging insects are considered “social insects.” If one of them feels like they are in danger, this will trigger a reaction of fear from the rest of their colony as well. This is a dangerous situation for an untrained individual to handle.

Beetles | Carpet Beetles, Cockroaches

Are carpet beetles harmful to humans?

Carpet beetles do not bite humans. However, they can cause rashes that may appear similar to bed bug bites.

Are cockroaches dangerous?

Cockroaches may not sting or bite, but they do carry bacteria that is dangerous to humans and pets. The bacteria from a cockroach could easily spread just from crawling in a space where food is prepared.

Can carpet beetles damage your home?

Carpet beetles feed on pollen and nectar, as well as dander, fur, wool, silk, and feathers. This means that they can cause damage to any items in the home containing these materials.

Do cockroaches spread disease?

Yes. There are multiple diseases that cockroaches can carry. Some of the most notable are salmonella, staphylococcus and streptococcus. They can also carry the polio virus.

Is it possible to get rid of cockroaches and keep them from coming back?

If preventative measures are not taken and a cockroach infestation occurs, it is possible to get rid of cockroaches through contacting a professional to safely remove them from the premises. After this, it is up to the homeowner to maintain preventative measures to avoid another infestation. If not, it cannot be guaranteed that cockroaches will not return.

Why do I have carpet beetles?

Carpet beetles are attracted to light and usually live outdoors. However, their small size can allow them to enter your home through the smallest crevices. They feed on pollen and nectar and can hide in flowers or plants inside the home.

Flying Insects | House Flies, Fruit Flies, Gnats

What is a fruit fly?

Fruit flies are similar to house flies but prefer to feed on overripe or rotting fruit or any produce. They like plant material with moisture, which also means they are attracted to compost piles.

Where do house flies come from?

House flies are attracted to any place that has some kind of decaying matter. This includes trash cans, farms, compost piles, backyards with pet feces, and more. Flies are also attracted to food in general, which includes pet food.

Why are gnats so attracted to me?

Gnats are attracted to sweet and sugary scents, heat, and moisture. This means they can accumulate in areas with perfumes, sweat, and/or humidity.

Spiders | Black Widow, Daddy Long Legs, Garden Spider, House Spider, Jumping Spider, Recluse

Are spiders dangerous in the house?

There are some spiders that are dangerous, but some spiders can be good for getting rid of other pests in a home. Spiders typically only bite in self-defense. Venomous spiders (such as the Brown Recluse and Black Widow) are poisonous to humans and should be removed.

Do spiders bite you at night?

Though it is possible, it is very unlikely that a spider will bite you in your sleep. Spiders are afraid of humans, but while sleeping humans do not pose a threat to spiders. Spiders are not bloodsuckers, and they eat other insects to survive.

How can you tell if a spider is venomous?

Mostly all spiders are venomous, but only a few have venom that is poisonous to humans. The most venomous spiders in the United States are the Brown Recluse and Black Widow. If it is not easily identifiable as one of these two, then it is not likely that their venom is dangerous to humans.

Rodent Control

Do rats come out during the day?

Rats are nocturnal, so seeing them in the daytime is not common. However, if you see a rat during the day, this can indicate a large infestation.

How can I prevent rats from becoming a problem on my property?

Some preventative measures include removing the things that rats need to survive from your property. This includes food, water, and shelter. Keeping landscaping tidy and not allowing debris to accumulate (such as fallen leaves) removes hiding places and shelter for rats. Sealing possible entry points on the foundation of your home is also helpful.

What evidence might I see if rats are on my property?

If rats are on your property, you will most likely see droppings (pellet-shaped), burrows, holes, and dirt trails. Dirt and grease trails indicate movement by rats to and from their entry point or hiding place. If you see a rat, especially during the day, this can indicate a larger rat infestation issue.

Why are there rats in my house?

Rats are attracted to food, water, and shelter. Having rats in your home does not indicate that your home is filthy, but the rats can make it unsanitary.

Why do I need to get rid of rats?

Rats are dangerous because they can spread diseases that affect humans and pets. Getting rid of them ensures safety to your home and family. Besides spreading disease, rats can also damage the foundation of your home by chewing through insulation, wires, and pipes.


Can mice climb flats walls?

Mice can only climb flat walls that have texture such as wood and stucco. They can climb flat surfaces made out of glass or smooth painted walls.

Do mice come out in the day?

Similar to rats, mice are nocturnal animals and typically come out at night. Seeing a mouse during the day is an indicator of a large infestation.

How do you stop mice from coming into your house?

Similar to rats, mice are attracted to food, water, and shelter. To avoid a mouse infestation, seal off entry point such as cable outlets, drain outlets, chimneys, and vents.

Gophers, Moles, and Voles

Are gophers, moles, and voles dangerous?

Gophers, moles, and voles are mainly dangerous to landscaping around your home. Your garden, flowers, trees, and lawn because their food supply. They can carry diseases, but their interaction with humans is unlikely unless prodded.

Can gophers damage my home with their tunnels?

Gophers do not cause damage under your house because there is not usually large amounts of vegetation there.

Do gophers, moles, and voles bite humans?

Gophers will bite if they feel scared or in danger. Their contact with humans is unlikely, but a pet or child reaching down one of their tunnels can be dangerous.

Do voles get into houses?

Though voles navigate closer to the surface than gophers and moles, but they still prefer to be underground. If they are in your home, it is most likely by mistake.

What attracts gophers?

Gophers are attracted to vegetation such as roots, grass, flowers, vegetables (carrots, celery), fruits, etc.

What attracts moles?

Moles are attracted to their main food source, like earthworms and other lawn insects.

What attracts voles?

Voles are attracted to long, uncut grass and planting beds with deep mulch.


Can squirrels damage my roof or home?

Squirrels can damage a lot with their teeth. They can chew through electrical wiring, damage gutters, structural support beams, and other foundational parts of your home.

How to get rid of squirrels?

Maintaining a tidy yard is the first step in avoiding or getting rid of squirrels. Fallen leaves, berries, fruits, birdseed, acorns, etc. can contribute to squirrels accumulating in your yard. Pet food that is left out also attracts squirrels and other pests. Squirrels will eat from bird feeders unless they have bird seed containing food they dislike such as safflower.

Why are there squirrels on my roof?

Squirrels avoid predators by being high up from the ground. They usually hide in trees, but they can also use your roof. If your home is not surrounded by many trees, this can increase the likelihood that squirrels use your roof as the highest point from the ground. Roofs and gutters that are not maintained can have a food supply for squirrels. However, it is important to note having squirrels on your food can also mean that squirrels are using it as an access point to your attic if you have one.

General Questions

Is it legal to kill a wild animal if it causes a problem on my property?

It depends. Certain species are highly protected and it may be against the law to kill them depending on the situation. If you need a trap to catch wildlife it is advised to seek professional help.

Should I be worried if I see a wild animal on my property?

Generally, no. Many animals could just be passed through your property to get elsewhere. If you see the animal more than once, make sure that there are no resources available that may be attractive to them.


Can a bat live in your house?

It can, but it should not. If a bat gets in your home, it is most likely by accident, though there are some bats that prefer to live in homes. They can live in attics, basements, or walls, which are perfect places to not only hide but also to raise their offspring.

What do I do if a bat gets in my house?

It is important to stay calm while attempting to get the bat out. There is a possibility that the bat has rabies, so avoiding direct contact is advised. If the bat is in an area with windows, keep at least one open as a way for it to get out. If the bat does not get out of your home on its own, calling a specialist should be your next step to ensure safety.


Can pest birds be dangerous?

Not generally, but the diseases that they can carry are. Bird droppings can also be dangerous, as the droppings may grow fungus that can cause respiratory disease.

How to keep birds away?

Scare tactics such as fake animal statues can actually help to keep pesky birds away. Motion activated water deterrents and shiny, reflective objects along with a sticky preventative material work to scare and deter birds.

What are signs of a bird infestation?

Signs of a bird infestation are seeing more birds than usual on your property, nests, bird droppings, and increased amount of other pests. If you have an existing issue with other pests such as insects, it is likely that this attracted the birds in the first place.


Are opossums dangerous?

Not typically. Most of the time when an opossum feels in danger it will play dead. Depending on the situation, opossums can bite if they need to, which increases the possibility of being dangerous to pets.

Are opossums good to have around?

Opossums are actually good to have around gardens and landscaping. They eat many kinds of garden pests.

Do opossums carry diseases?

Yes. Opossums can carry many diseases such as tuberculosis, spotted fever, toxoplasmosis, and more. They can also carry fleas, ticks, lice, and mites that can transfer to pets.


Are raccoons dangerous?

They can be. Raccoons commonly carry rabies and will scratch or bite when they feel threatened. Raccoons can also cause damage to your yard and outdoor belongings.

How do you keep raccoons away?

There are simple things to keep raccoons away such as keeping your yard tidy, having a secure outdoor trash can, fencing your garden, and keeping pet food indoors.

What attracts raccoons to my yard?

Raccoons are attracted to trash cans, gardens, ponds, bird feeders, sheds, garages, fruit trees, left out pet food or water, and more. Raccoons are not picky eaters.


Are skunks aggressive?

No. The only defense that skunks have is their spray.

Are skunks dangerous?

They can be. Skunk spray does not only linger and smell awful, but it also contains chemicals that can be harmful. Skunks themselves can carry rabies, lice, mites, fleas, and ticks. Skunks are generally more dangerous to pets, as pets are typically more willing to approach them.